Chatham Light plus 27 foot utility boat

CAPE COD FLOTILLA 11-1, Chatham, MA 
1st District Northern Region
Richard N. Zweig, Flotilla Commander

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed civilian component of the Coast Guard established by Congress in 1939 to assist in promoting boating safety. It boasts nearly 36,000 members from all walks of life who receive special training so that they may be an integral part of Coast Guard Forces. Local Cape Cod Flotilla 11-1 members assist the local Coast Guard stations in non-law enforcement programs such as public education, vessel safety checks, safety patrols, search and rescue and marine environmental protection. Flotilla 11-1 Members donate thousands of hours annually to benefit other Cape Cod boaters and their families.

Cape Cod Flotilla 11-1 also conducts Chatham Lighthouse tours during select months. Click Here to view the schedule for 2010.   Follow this link to take a virtual tour of the lighthouse.  A New Year's Tour is offered on December 31, 2010 from 12 to 2 PM.

For more information about joining our organization please email the Flotilla FSO-PS or call the Coast Guard Auxiliary Boating Safety Information Line at 508-457-3298.

Watch for the sign up for the one day Family Boating Skills course starting July 14 at the Chatham Community Center; a Kayak hands on clinic on Jack Knife beach on the morning of July 15; and also in July the six session Harwich summer Junior Boating Academy.

Attention Boaters:  

Does your boat meet all of the US Coast Guard and Massachusetts safety requirements?   Find out! 

The Vessel Safety Check gives you a risk-free way to check that you meet the legal minimums and to potentially avoid a citation later. US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 11-1 Vessel Examiners will make appointments with you to inspect your boat at your storage location, or on its trailer prior to launch for the season on any of the dates listed below.

Requirements for the Exam:

 To arrange for an appointment email Thomas Siegel, Flotilla Staff Officer -Vessel Exams (FSO-VE), and provide your contact information and the location of your boat.